Other things you should know

Therapeutic but not therapy –

These experiences can take many different routes and can sometimes result in emotional as well as physical release. We all carry around so much stress, trauma and emotional baggage (sometimes since childhood). We are taught to never to show weakness, men don’t cry, or that nobody cares about your problems, that we should feel and function, so we stuff it down deep and try to pretend we are OK. Even when we aren’t. 🙁 Many times that stress manifests itself in many different ways in our physical bodies and our psyches, and if that is the case for you I strongly suggest you also see a qualified health care professional because while these experiences can feel therapeutic, they are not a substitution for therapy or medical care for symptoms or ailments.

But I also want to be clear that sometimes, during experiences like these, some of that emotional energy that has been trapped in the body can come out when you don’t expect it. People have laughed like crazy, sobbed from the depths of their soul and even just floated off to a blissful space feeling more relaxed than they have been in ages. I will be with you through whatever comes up and sometimes a good cry is exactly what we need. 🙂

Inclusivity –

I am open to playing with and giving pleasurable experiences to all gendered or non binary humans: straight, gay, bi, cis, or trans or wherever you are in the moment. I have quite a few gender non conforming people in my life and I have seen first hand how hard our current world order can be on people that are different in anyway. But I promise you that this is a safe place where you will be respected, seen, heard and valued for who you are. I honestly want to connect with you wherever you are as a human being and help you experience ecstatic bliss.

Sadly though, I must mention that the facility is located on a second floor walk up. So, if stairs are a problem for you I truly apologize and wish there was something I could do about that but it is what it is. 🙁

Preparation –

People have often asked me what they should do to prepare for a kinky tantric massage and I thought I would share a few suggestions with you here.

Be real with me – First, since I rely so heavily on reading people’s body language etc., I find it very important that when I am with you that you are giving me your honest and natural physical and verbal reactions. Please do not ever suffer through something that you are not enjoying. If you’d like a little more or less pressure, intensity etc. please just say so. If you need to pause for a moment that is never a problem. I love and welcome all the moans, gasps, groans etc. you care to offer and will encourage you to be more vocal.

But, please do not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol if you can possibly help it. I know many times people are nervous coming to meet me for the first time but these substances can sometimes interfere with your natural responses. Please and thank you!

Cleanliness – Other than a shower (naturally) if you have asked to explore root chakra work (aka anal play) it is generally way more pleasant for us both if you are able to do at least a bit of a clean out (enema). Any drug store, supermarket etc. will carry Fleet or similar products and it is a fairly straight forward process but if you have questions please let me know.

Self care basics – For the days leading up to an appointment please do your best to drink plenty of water, stretch your body and before arriving be sure to have at least a light snack to help keep your blood sugar levels at an appropriate level.